About Us

The MBD Group is India’s largest Publishing House with over 5 decades of experience. The MBD Group under futuristic vision of Mr. A.K. Malhotra, Chairman and Managing Director, has diversified into various industries including Paper Manufacturing, e learning, Hospitality, Real Estate, Mall Development and management eco friendly copier and notebooks and e learning.

It is the only publishing house in India with complete backward and forward integration, right from self owned paper manufacturing unit to editing, and designing, type-setting, offset printing, binding and finally reaching the readers through its own distribution network with more than 37 branch offices all across India.

MBD Group has over 3000 employees, a network of around 1,000 distributors and 10,000 booksellers, across the country. For each literate person, there is an MBD publication. It is the only group which publishes books for all classes, all subjects, in all languages, all educational boards in India and in most of the major languages spoken worldwide. MBD also prints technical books and children’s books under various imprints popular in India as well as abroad. There are more than 8,000 titles currently under The MBD brand and are increasing everyday.

MBD Group was also awarded second prize in the state for maximum hours of work with 100 % safety of the workers by the Industry department and Punjab safety council. 

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